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GlucoFlow Supplement Review

Tinnitus or ringing in the ears: Why do they occur?

Did you know that an estimated 30% of the population has suffered from ringing in the ears at some time in their life? In this post we tell you what tinnitus is and what its causes are.

What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus, also called tinnitus, is buzzing, buzzing or whistling that is heard without a real sound producing it. They are often associated with hearing loss, although the reality is that tinnitus does not itself cause deafness. They can be heard in both noisy and quiet environments and are usually noticed only in one ear.

Sometimes, tinnitus is temporary, but there are also those who suffer from them permanently, as is the case of journalist Carme Chaparro.

For people who have tinnitus, it is a problem that is very annoying and generates many concerns. Depending on their intensity, they can cause anything from irritability to depression.

The intensity of the noise is very variable and can be perceived at very low power, noticing only a slight annoyance. But if it is a severe case of tinnitus, those who suffer from it may have difficulties in their daily life, such as problems listening to others, working and even sleeping.

These beeps are not a disease as such, but a symptom that can occur in isolation or associated with another disorder.

Why do they occur?

Tinnitus is caused by an alteration in the functioning of the ear.

They can appear after spending a while enduring loud noises (loud music, machinery, explosions ...), but also due to other causes:

  • For a trauma to the head.
  • After removing the wax from one ear.
  • Due to otitis or an ear infection.
  • As a symptom of Ménière's syndrome.
  • Like a sign of a tumor in the ear.
  • As a sign of hearing loss due to age.
  • For neurological diseases.
  • For cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Due to stress.
  • Because of certain drugs.
  • For cervical or mandibular problems.

However, in some cases tinnitus is of unknown cause.

Is there a treatment for tinnitus?

The ENT will determine the origin of the beeps and will put a treatment to eliminate the disorder that causes them, so the tinnitus will disappear.

If they are of unknown cause, there is no effective pharmacological treatment that will make them disappear and the treatment is directed to retraining therapies to help coexist with them.

In any case, you should go to the ENT doctor to indicate the most appropriate treatment to solve the problem.

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GlucoFlow Supplement Review